Friday, March 21, 2008

Psychedelic Idea

Ever see someone working really hard on something and they happen to pass and you hear them kinda talking to themselves? I mean physical labor and not that godless cubicle jobs. Anyway I think the reason they sorta whisper to themselves is a instinct that humans have to help them think. Let me explain.

What I mean by this fucking strange theory is that on a subconscious  level, everyone is whispering to themselves. Just when your panting for breathe its just a little more obvious. I think its to help assimilate the thought process in such a way to save energy. Remember hearing for the first time that people only use ten percent of their brain? This may be why or something like that.

Well try this. Try holding your breath and thinking of something. By holding your breath I mean, let no air in or out. Don't pass out! Anyway try thinking of a relatives name or solving a math problem or something. You can post in comments what happens. Keep in mind this is just a theory of mine.

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