Thursday, April 10, 2008


My point of view changes as I listen to music. Its part of my insanity really. Thats why I listen to music while making audio files. When I made Ted's Fat shit, I got some MF DOOM for the first time. It changed my perception enough to help me make a completely different audio file compared to the rest.

I think Perception is easily changed if you really need/want to change it. You can be a fucking optimistic bastard who can't get sad ever....ever! or a gloomy son of a bitch who convinces other people to quit and throw away grapes or something like that. For me, my only time I have perception in either direction is when I am listening to music. usually I don't care enough to even have an outlook on whats happening around me. And I usually end up just mimicking the people around me. Luckily, since I don't care about most things, I am almost impossible to offend as well.

I am going to improve on The Benjamin and Product Audio Files. I don't feel they are done yet. But first I am going to take a small break, and going to experiment with mad libs.

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